Day 102: Well, I still consider this Thursday, because it is around 3:18 a.m. and I cannot get to sleep. My room here at my sister's has a tv in it, and I usually fall asleep during "Criminal Minds" (!) but not tonight. It was a really creepy episode, too. Or maybe it's all the coffee I've had today.
My course partner and I got an A+ on the lesson we submitted! I think I mentioned that assignment-- I was in the car on HWY 11 scribbling away at my part of the lesson plan. We got to my nephew's, only to find that his internet was down. So he drove me across the Ottawa River into Temiskaming, QC, to the internet cafe there. A wonderful setup! Like a really upscale Tim Horton's.
I spent two hours typing and editing as fast as I could, with large gulps of pumpkin-spiced latte and bites of raspberry white chocolate scone to keep me going. I finished everything within five minutes of the time my nephew came back to pick me up. Over at his place, I phoned my course partner in Toronto to ask if she had received my part of the assignment. Oh, no! She hadn't looked at it all day because her sister had a baby! But she sent it to the instructor before midnight anyway and voila! A+!!!
So with odds like that why am I having such trouble practicing these days?
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