Thursday, August 12, 2010

Days to go: 968 -- Pieces to go: 10

Day 32: The most amazing thing happened yesterday. As you might remember, I decided to focus on "improvisation" in my new church job at St. Leo's. So, as soon as I finished posting my blog, I did a bing search: organ improvisation how-to. Near the bottom of the first page of websites was this one:

So I went to the site. Reader, you have to check this out! Anthony Mark LaMort has done a spectacular service here. I went immediately to his "Improvisation Blog" and listened to him play. Yes, I knew right away: this is how I wanted to play. It is like Eric all over again. (Eric Hauser designed the Letourneau that I practice on and is a gifted improviser.)

Then I read Mr. LaMort's bio and realized that his website is going to keep me extremely busy for a long time. It is so very interesting! We share an influence: Paul Martin Maki, who gave a masterclass (in which I played the Franck B Minor Choral) at the University of Western Ontario years ago. I believe Maki was a friend of Larry Cortner, of blessed memory.

I went no further in my bing search, took a BIG chance, and emailed Mr. LaMort. HE WROTE BACK!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT??? He wrote many, many helpful suggestions as to how I could get started improvising. My goodness, he writes well. I hope he writes articles. I hope he writes books! He suggested that I just "play," to start, as a child plays.

So today after finishing the 3rd last line of Bach, I put the music score firmly aside. What sounds would I use to begin? Those of you who know me personally would say, "celestes with the swell box closed," but you would be wrong, wrong, wrong!!! I pulled out all the pedal stops, including the 32', and the glorious great trumpet!!! I played a great big fanfare!!! I used double pedal!!! I even did a huge two-armed gliss up and down the keyboard!!!

("This is not Trude talking, you are thinking...). I tried to remember what Anthony did and imitated registration and patterns. Was it ever fun!!! I can hardly wait to go back and do it again!

You'll notice that Anthony and I are on a first-name basis now. That is his little tiny picture under "followers," there on the right of your screen.

How can I thank you, Anthony? I will be forever in your debt for your generosity of spirit and your kindness. St. Leo's will be, too, as I grow in skill, thanks to you.

1 comment:

  1. That is the Trude I know....always wanted to hear you play "full pedal out,"..have had a glimpse of it at work...was truly amazing, as you are Trude! amd trude forever!
