Day 142:
Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness;
Bow down before Him, His glory proclaim;
Gold of obedience and incense of lowliness
Bring, and adore Him; the Lord is His Name!
Low at His feet lay thy burden of carefulness;
High on His heart He will bear it for thee,
Comfort thy sorrows, and answer thy prayerfulness,
Guiding thy steps as may best for thee be.
Fear not to enter His courts, in the slenderness
Of the poor wealth thou canst reckon as thine,
Truth in its beauty and love in its tenderness,
These are the offerings to lay on His shrine.
These, though we bring them in trembling and fearfulness,
He will accept for the Name that is dear.
Mornings of joy give for evenings of tearfulness,
Trust for our trembling, and hope for our fear.
Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness;
Bow down before Him, His glory proclaim;
Godl of obedience and incense of lowliness
Bring, and adore Him; the Lord is His Name!
(John Samuel Bewley Monsell)
So, three months in heaven singing at St. Mary Magdelene finished today. This year to come: no church work, just school, which needs my full attention and energy. I will miss SMM a lot. Good music by good musicians: what a rush!
Every Sunday: hymns of whatever style sung musically, excellent homily every single time, super accompaniment, whether by a real English organist (thanks, Simon) or, at the 9:30 Mass, piano, two violins, and sometimes recorder. Last week with just two violins and recorder it was like a chamber ensemble -- a really good chamber ensemble -- accompanying us.
I actually got to intone the Psalm twice, a small thrill! And hear a small children's Orff ensemble for a special occasion. Stephanie says we have a magic building -- the little instruments sounded quite lovely.
This morning I had to leave the loft briefly during the service and so listened to the Gallery Choir instead of singing with it. The Choir was upstairs and I was downstairs, I mean. Ooooooooo. Beautiful. And so nice to hear clever improvisations and, as preludes and postludes, major organ repertoire played so well.
It is REALLY exciting sight-reading motets and masses with such an accomplished choir. Choir practice starts up again soon and I will miss the chance to actually prepare the music properly, not just sight sing it as we (um, I mean, "I") have been doing all summer.
There is so much space in the service. Not a single piece of musical clutter. Lots of silence. Lovely to hear the Ritual Choir of men by the altar sing the various parts and sentences from a little chant book. A feeling of spaciousness and peace. Frequently we will reach the end of a long service -- 1 1/2 hour or more -- and after the postlude I feel so energised that I want more. More! More church! Now!
Friendly people. This morning I was surprised to find that I had so many folks to say goodbye to. So grateful to be able to "worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness" these past three months. Thank you, SMM.